Noblesse Oblige Triviathon!!!

Noblesse Oblige Triviathon!!!
Welcome to the Fantasy Literature round of the Noblesse Oblige Triviathon!

Please following questions and submit your answers by email.

01. King Joffrey was given a special sword. What was it made out of (specifically)?

02. How does Hank from Hartfort escape burning at the stake?

03. What is the original occupation of the man that stops the evil army born from a cooking pot?

04. I'm a woman wearing red leather and torturing Richard with a leather rod. What order am I from?

05. What colour is magic?

06. Name the three greatest things in life... according to Cohen the Barbarian.

07. What three witches were obsessed with hopping and fluttering things?

08. What unicorn skewered several men within two chapters of the start of the book?

09. What was the flaw in the crystal sword, and what was its name?

10. What did a dwarf and a horselord nearly duel to the death over?

11. What was the chameleon cloak turning the son of Rahl into?

12. What was the fifth sign of the circle, and how was it acquired?

13. What book, which had a clear reference to the Christian Calvary in the original edition was changed to reference the Norse World Tree in the American edition?

14. What happened to the three children and John that they needed to be rescued, preventing their rescuer from being where he needed to be?

15. What was the reluctant wolfbrother named in the Old Tongue?

16. What was the name of the seemingly incredibly powerful, yet silly person who was unaffected by the thing of power?

17. Who is Riley begging for help when the wolf is tearing him apart?

18. Who is Steerpike's boss when first we meet him?

19. Shadow's old cell mate is really what god?

20. Who has plaid panties?

21. In which age did Conan the Barbarian roam?

22. What is the name of the Repairer of Reputations?

23. 4x5 = 13, 4x6 = 14, 4x7=15...who is it who will never reach 20?

24. What happens when Claudia cuts off all of her hair?

25. What new name is Pug given by his captors?

Noblesse Oblige Triviathon!!!