Noblesse Oblige Triviathon!!!

Noblesse Oblige Triviathon!!!
Welcome to the Board and Card Games round of the Noblesse Oblige Triviathon!

Please answer the following questions and submit your answers by email.

01. You just watched the fastest checkmate (in total moves) in chess. Who won the game: white or black?

02. In chess, your pawn just captured another pawn "en passant". What rank is it now on?

03. You just started a game of Monopoly. You're the first player to roll and you get a four, landing you on the income tax space. If you started the game with the amount of money specified in the rules, is it smarter for you to pay the $200 or the 10%?

04. In the 1970s and 1980s version of the game of Life, you could purchse three kinds of insurance. What were they?

05. What's the minimum number of moves to get from the study to the kitchen?

06. You're playing Scrabble (English version) and you just made the word "quiz." You did not make any other words. The "Z" is on a double letter score space. How many points did you earn?

07. All things being equal, which continent is the easiest to maintain control of once you've conquered it entirely in Risk?

08. In Scattergories, what's the fourth category on List 9?

09. Your cribbage hand has three 4's and two 7's. How many points is that worth?

10. What's the highest number on a Skip-Bo card?

11. What are the face up cards called in Texas holdem (in order).

12. What card is unbeatable in Durak?

13. The fastest speed was removed from Magic a few years ago. What was the speed?

14. Wild Bill Hickock's death resulted in the naming of a certain hand of poker. Name the key cards in this hand.

15. You're playing Euchre, and the Face-up card is the Queen of Spades. If the dealer takes it, what becomes the second highest trump card?

16. What is the sum of the ranks of all the pieces on your team that can defuse bombs? (Use the version that would give the higher number.)

17. What number card in Sorry! allows you to switch the positions of your piece and another player's piece?

18. How many points is the first Yahtzee you get in a game worth in Yahtzee?

19. You're playing Monopoly and just picked up the Community Chest "Advance to Go" card and moved to Go. What is the minimum number of rolls it could now take you to circle the entire board 3 times, ending up on Go again?

20. In what game is the 10 of diamonds worth the most points?

21. In what card games can you break a suit?

22. How many squares do you lose when you fall down the longest chute?

23. You're in a war. The next faceup card both players have jacks, then both queens, then you have an ace, and they have a king. How many cards do you take off of the table? (note use the 3-down variant)

24. Why did the green man dive?

25. In what game could the biggest loser get 1/4th of the pot?

Noblesse Oblige Triviathon!!!